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High performance cooling of a charging cable for HPC/MWC application

How the cooling can be assured for very high currents (CFD simulation)

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CFD Analysis / Simulation of a valve

Learn how to reduce pressure drop (energy efficiency) while maintaining mass throughput.

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Pilot Ignition in Future Fuels in Engine Systems

How to design modern (almost) carbon free internal combustion engines (3D CFD Simulation)

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Thermal management — temperature distribution in a battery

Discover now how to achieve longer life and more solid power and energy density through thermal management (CFD simulation)

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Fires of Progress: Wood Combustion

Unveiling Our New Wood Combustion Simulation Model (3D CFD simulation)

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Fluid flow - structure interaction using the example of a valve

How to compute the interaction between fluid mechanics and the structural mechanics on a rigid body (CFD simulation)

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Particle Separation in a Cyclone by means of 3D CFD Simulation

How to analyse the efficiency of a cyclone particle separator

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Water Channel Flow

Successfully designing a channel for liquid fluids (CFD simulation)

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Temperature distribution in a power distribution box

How does the HVDU behave under transient conditions? Read more in the project description (CFD Simulation)

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3D CFD Analysis of High Pressure Injection System

How the optimal design of the injector can be found (CFD simulation)

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Compression ignition internal combustion engine

How to develop a modern and efficient internal combustion engine by means of 3D CFD simulation

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Safety and efficiency in building design

How fire and smoke simulations support building design (CFD Simulation)

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Increase the efficiency of a powertrain - flame propagation

Discover the potential of an analysis of the flame-wall interaction

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Design optimization of a battery cooling system

How to successfully minimize pressure drop in a cooling system (CFD Simulation)

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Automation of CFD simulation.

These automation processes can significantly reduce the time required to perform CFD simulations. Learn more now.

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Hydro Power: Pressure drop in a flow split / splash guard

How to optimize crucial components in power plants? (CFD Simulationen)

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1D/3D coupling

Simulate entire engines simultaneously using 1D/3D coupled calculations.

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Phenomenological models and engine cycle simulations

Thus, different operating conditions and engine designs can be investigated.

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Early fire detection and gas propagation in road tunnels

The goal is to search for, identify, and provide evidence of a gas.

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Solar cell module

Analysis of temperature distribution using solar cells.

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Two-phase flow

Use simulation tools to find the optimal injection strategy and evaluate the best mixing device.

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Waste incineration

Combustion, emissions and temperature distribution in a waste incinerator (CFD simulation)

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Customer testimonials

„Through the targeted and precise analysis and interpretation of the results, we have achieved an even better understanding of how we can increase the efficiency of our energy systems. This enables us to devise even more targeted solutions for our customers.“

Jörg Jermann

Head of Technology & Production Avesco Energiesysteme AG

"Step by step, we were able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the components through the CFD calculations and thus develop a much better configuration in the end. With this large machine, it would have been impossible to test several times. Therefore, the CFD calculations allowed us to build the first prototype directly with a very efficient solution."

Stefan Aschwanden

Innovation Technology Manager Wärtsilä Services Switzerland Ltd

“I am impressed by the professionalism and know-how of combustion and flow solution (cfs). Thanks to their expertise, we were able to solve a complex flow problem quickly and, most importantly, efficiently. I would recommend cfs to anyone looking for a quality CFD simulation.“

Alessandro Giussani

Chief Technical Officer, Suter Industries AG/Suter Racing

„Through the detailed calculations, we learned a lot about how the flame-wall interaction occurs and how the single components must be built. As a result, not all variants had to be implemented in the test, which led to enormous time and cost savings.“

Mathias Müller

Projectmanager, MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH Rolls Royce Power Systems

"The CFD calculations of cfs have shown us, in the case of a new furnace, where emissions originate and how they propagate inside the furnace. This has shown us that our concept works and the furnace can be built. We have been able to gain a great deal of new knowledge through the analysis."

Hannes Piringer

Technical Director, Maerz Ofenbau AG

"Durch die gezielte und präzise Analyse und Interpretation der Ergebnisse haben wir ein noch besseres Verständnis erzielt, wie wir die Effizienz unserer Energiesysteme weiter erhöhen können. Dadurch können wir unseren Kunden noch zielführendere Lösungen ausarbeiten."

Jörg Jermann

Leiter Technik und Produktion, Avesco Energiesysteme AG

"Schritt für Schritt haben wir durch die CFD Berechnungen die Vor- und Nachteile der Bauteile erklären und dadurch am Schluss eine wesentlich bessere Konfiguration entwickeln können. Bei dieser grossen Anlage wäre es unmöglich gewesen, mehrmals zu testen. Deshalb konnten wir durch die CFD Berechnungen direkt mit einer sehr effizienten Lösung den ersten Prototypen bauen."

Stefan Aschwanden

Innovation Technology Manager, Wärtsilä Services Switzerland Ltd

“Ich bin beeindruckt von der Professionalität und dem Know-how von cfs. Dank ihrer Expertise konnten wir ein komplexe Strömungsproblem schnell und vor allem effizient lösen. Ich würde combusition and flow solutions jedem empfehlen, der auf der Suche nach einer qualitativen CFD-Simulation ist."

Alessandro Giussani

Chief Technical Officer, Suter Industries AG/Suter Racing

"Durch die detaillierten Berechnungen haben wir sehr viel gelernt, wie die Flamme-Wand Interaktion erfolgt und wie die einzelnen Komponenten gebaut werden müssen. Dadurch mussten nicht alle Varianten im Versuch gefahren werden, was zu einer enormen Zeit- und Kostenersparnis geführt hat."

Mathias Müller

Projektleiter, MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH, Rolls Royce Power Systems

"Die CFD Berechnungen von CFS haben uns bei einem neuen Ofen gezeigt, wo die Emissionen entstehen und wie sich die Strömung innerhalb des Ofens ausbildet. Dies hat uns gezeigt, dass unser Konzept funktioniert und der Ofen dadurch gebaut werden kann. Wir haben durch die Analyse sehr viele neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen können."

Hannes Piringer

Technischer Direktor, Maerz Ofenbau AG